Friday, August 9, 2019

Weakly Reads

Where Did Family Come From? by Tim Challies
We are at an interesting and perhaps unprecedented time in history when our understanding of family is being confronted and our definition of family is being rewritten. So what is a family, anyway? Where did it come from? Who has the right to define it?

Cheerful Confidence After Christendom by Timothy Larson
The world is used to Christians who are alarmed, angry, fearful, despondent, grumpy. I have found they are confused and intrigued by Christians who are confident, witty, and cheerful. They start to wonder if we know something they don't know about what is really true and things are really going to turn out. And do we not?

Bearing One Another's Burdens by John MacArthur
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).

What Jesus Has to Say About Our Sexuality in a #MeToo Culture? by Sam Allberry
Sexual injury is not the same thing as a grazed knee. Our sexuality gets to the very heart of our personhood. It's why Jesus is so protective of it.

The Eclipse of God, the Subversion of Truth, and the Assault Upon Religious Liberty by Al Mohler
God is not dead. Truth is not a dream. And liberty is ours to defend.

5 Ways to Help Kids Communicate Well on Social Media by William P. Smith
Perhaps it was the content of what you said or how you said it or the visual you attached, but haven't we all put something out there we wish we hadn't?

Don't Squander the Little Years by Dane Orlund
Your kids, even while they are so young and needy, don't diminish your life - they enrich it, if you will collapse into enjoyment of them.

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