Saturday, July 29, 2017
Daily Reads - 7/29/17
The Challenge of Engaging the Culture with the Proclamation of Truth by Dr. Mark L. Bailey
6 Ideas for Unified Prayer in Your Marriage by Ryan Frederick
Don't Be a Do-Gooder: Pastoral Reflections on Goodness by Pastor Aaron Menikoff
A Brief History of the Altar Call by Dr. Thomas S. Kidd
Music for the Church: Mark Dever Interviews Keith Getty
Why We Fail at Family Devotions by Pastor Tim Challies
Why We Don't Have to Fear Sending a Child Off to College by Carolyn Lankford
The FAQs: What You Should Know About the Military's Transgender Policy by Joe Carter
4 Things I Learned Serving in Kids Ministry by Pastor Aaron Gray
Do Visitors to Your Church Really Feel Welcome? by Jared Wilson
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Daily Reads - 7/26/17
Why Jam-Packed Schedules Can Be Dangerous
12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians
The Real Reason We Don't Read Our Bibles
How to Pray for Your Pastor
The Strange Burden of Participating on Social Media
The Number One Reason Missionaries Go Home
4 Reasons Why More Money Won't Solve Your Money Problem
6 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Bible
Church in the Information Age
Every Book of the Bible in One Word
Evangelism and Pastoral Care: The Best of Friends
Hospitality is Not Just for Home
Control Your Sexuality
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/28/17
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Love Suffers Long
"A love that never ends is a love that suffers long."
A Spiritual Barometer Check
"If I love God I will love His people."
What Your Kids Really Need
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you set at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Why You Should Listen to Millennials in Your Church
"Churches must take seriously Paul's admonition to train and instruct the next generation. If you don't know about Millennials' aspirations, concerns, and common struggles, you probably won't be adept at instruction them in the ways of the Lord. And you should be instructing them - to walk with the Lord, read Scripture, pray, evangelize, serve the poor, work their jobs, and more. That's just the task of discipleship."
Seven Discoveries to Define and Ignite Passion for Missions
A summary of the missions vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/22/17
How to Distinguish True Zeal From False Zeal
"While zeal is a noble trait, it must be properly directed, for not all zeal is good. Here are some pointers on distinguishing true from false zeal."
What is a Worldview?
"Christians surveying the cultural landscape in the West have a clear sense that things are headed in a destructive direction. While most believers can easily identify the symptoms of decline, few feel competent to diagnose and address the root causes. There are many complex factors behind these developments, but one invaluable tool for better understanding and engaging with our culture is the concept of worldview."
Teens Who Choose Life in Unplanned Pregnancies Need Support and Respect, Not Shame
"May God's people reach out in love and compassion to both unborn children and their moms. And may we demonstrate to teens that abortion really is never the answer."
A Christian Witness Older Than Canada
"In Canada, June 21st is National Aboriginal Day, a time to reflect on the heritage of the First Nations who live across Canada. What can come as surprise to some is the example of Christian witness exhibited among the First Nations in the early days of Canada, even predating Confederation in 1867."
Mary Slessor's Courageous Compassion
Inspiring pioneer missionary who served in one of the most violent regions of Africa.
Destination Wally World: How to Not Lose Sight of the Gospel on your Family Vacation
"Pursuing my own agenda causes me to miss what Jesus is doing."
5 Principles for University Evangelism
"There's no greater mission field than the university today. Student evangelism has never been more challenged - or more needed."
The Spurgeon Center
Your home for all things Spurgeon!
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/21/17
I Am the Center of the Universe
"Where were you when I established the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding." (Job 38:4)
3 New Goals For Pursuing My Wife
"I'm realizing that my ability to love my wife well greatly depends on my intentional, ongoing pursuit of who she is and what she's feeling. That's the essence of romance: intentional pursuit."
4 Promising Opportunities in University Evangelism
"Student evangelism has always stressed the importance of relationship but, in our time, love will be as important as argument for showing people the plausibility of the gospel"
6 Things to Do with Your Anxiety
Never Read the Bible Simply to Know
"I saw more clearly than ever, that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was to have my soul happy in the Lord." (George Muller)
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/20/17
10 Things You Should Know About Fatherhood
Motherhood is a Calling
Six Attitudes That Kill Evangelism in the Church
7 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Teens
The Challenge of University Evangelism
"Students are becoming highly sensitive, traumatized, and outraged by opposing viewpoints."
Every Christian Ought to be a Good Historian
"Many in the modern world, sadly even Christians, see the past as little more than this: a tiresome account of a few big names with little wisdom to impart for life today."
What Global Terrorism Means for a Sending Church
"Perhaps considering this question is part of the church's task of counting the cost. Realizing and acknowledging the nature of sending - the kind the Bible describes - will lead churches to prepare for the best and the worst. May they do so with inexpressible and glorious joy because death - even its threat - does not have the final word."
The Number One Reason Missionaries Go Home
What Do You Pray for ISIS?
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/6/17
The Gospel Was Given For a Time Like This
"Is evil winning? I don't believe it. I can't believe it. Not when I break from the bad news to focus on the good news. The despair retreats in the face of truth. The truth I preach to myself again and again is this: The gospel was given for a time like this."
The Bible's Three Big Lessons on Debt
"Debt is not always wrong, but in most cases it is inadvisable. It is the better part of wisdom to avoid debt whenever possible, to enter it with only the utmost caution, and to discharge it at the earliest opportunity."
Sunday School Syndrome
Some interesting thoughts on how successful Sunday School has been in raising godly children. This article really is a call to parents to step it up in being the primary teacher and trainer for their children.
Can a Person Choose Their Own Race? The Inevitable Hypocrisy of Relativism
"This hypocrisy - which is inherent to postmodernity - tells us something very important. It tells us that we humans make lousy gods. That's what postmodernity is, after all. It is the human attempt to be god. It is the human attempt to control our own reality and determine our own truth... but in the end, we fail miserably."
5 Facts About D-Day
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/5/17
What We Miss
"I wonder how many beautiful moments we miss because we are afraid we will miss them."
This is What Makes a Vacation Restorative
"Here's how to make sure you return to work fully recharged after your vacation."
What Makes Killing Christians Appealing
A difficult read, but Dr. Ibrahim writes about an important concept to understand as we survey both history and our contemporary world.
Prisoners of Self: Incessant Autobiography in the Smartphone Age
Desecration and Titillation
"When you look at pornography you are watching the violation of what God considers more valuable than anything else He has created."
9 Ways to Raise Up Leaders In Your Church
"I want to promote and equip men who look like they can help advance Christianity into the place I'll never go: the future beyond my passing."
Study: Phone-Obsessed Parents Have Naughtier Kids
"Researchers warn moms and dads against constantly checking their devices."
The Question Churches Can No Longer Ignore
"The American Culture & Faith Institute recently conducted a nationwide study of spiritually active Christians, partly to discover what social issues parishioners want their pastors to cover. Ninety-one percent of respondents wanted more information from their pastor on abortion and topics related to 'the beginning of life, right to life, contraception, adoption, and unwed mothers.'"
Friday, June 2, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/2/17
A 93-million Mile Love
"As whole congregations love other whole congregations, we will be proving that the love within our churches is too strong to contain, too intense to remain within its four walls."
Bed Sheets, Calendars and Prayer
"Wednesday evenings remind us that we are all American people with comfortable bed sheets and full calendars. Prayer, by the looks of it, doesn't seem to be a priority."
The Pastor's Personal Life: A Source of Power in the Pulpit
"Take it as a general rule: the day you lose your godliness is the day you lose your power in pastoral preaching."
3 Priorities for Christian Parents
Learning Contentment Through Repetition
"When we remember that our ultimate and most pressing need is fully met in God, it is difficult to complain."
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Daily Reads - 6/1/17
10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood
This is an excellent read! I couldn't help but think about and thank God for my own dad... how he so often did these 10 things for me.
Google Knows Who You Really Are
"The human heart often thinks it can cover its paths before God, saying 'The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob does not perceive' (Ps. 94:7). The truth is, we can't even hide from Google. How can we hide from God?"
Solomon's Twitter Guidelines
25 guidelines from the Proverbs to consider before I post on Twitter. Applies to any other social media outlet and conversation...
9 Things You Should Know About Ramadan
"Because Muslims account for 1.6 billion of our global neighbors, Christians need to become more aware of Ramadan and Islamic practices. Here are nine things you should know about Islam's holiest month."
The Church in Ukraine: Crisis, Celebration, and Hope
Whenever I can, I like to post an update of what is happening in the Church around the world. We need to be mindful and in prayer for our brothers and sisters wherever they live.
Four Ways a Short Term Mission Trip Can Change Your Perspective
When the Ku Klux Klan Tried to Shut Down Religious Schools
This day in history... 1925.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/31/17
Why We Need the Psalms of Lament
"There is always something painful in our lives. Whether relational, or physical, or emotional - there's always pain in our lives."
Why 2016 Headlines Had Little Impact on Voters
"One of the most notable aspects of the 2016 presidential election was the central role of the media, a trend that has continued in the controversies of the current administration... Yet, as Barna's election survey revealed - and in spite of increased public focus on political journalism - these reports seem to have had little impact on voters' decisions in the election."
4 Cultural Factors That Contribute to our Epidemic of Burnout
The Gain of Serving God
"We serve Him with gladness because we do not bear the burden of meeting His needs. Rather we rejoice in a service where He meets our needs. Serving God always means receiving grace from God."
Is Christianity Good for the World?
"Gospel preaching missionaries with a passion for rescuing people from eternal suffering have changed the world."
Seattle Reboot: Life After Mars Hill
A nice summary of what happened in Seattle after the closure of Mars Hill Church.
Well-Planned, Hard, Sweat-Inducing Prayer and Work
"Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan." (John Bunyan)
4 Practical Threats to the Church Today
Monday, May 29, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/29/17
Don't Pursue Feelings. Pursue Christ
"The key is not to pursue feelings themselves but to pursue the Lord Jesus Christ by looking to Him, knowing His ways, pondering His promises, and obeying His commands."
In a Largely Godless World, It's Hard to Know What to Say When Tragedy Strikes
The article, written by a non-believer, demonstrates the darkness of not knowing Jesus Christ.
Treating Young Women As Sisters In Absolute Purity
"Pastors must be exemplary in this regard."
Turn My Eyes From Worthless Things
"When we reach the end of our days, our life experience will equal what we have paid attention to, whether by choice or default."
Six Words to Say Through Tears
I. can. trust. God. with. this.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/27/17
Islamic Extremists in Egypt Slaughter Coptic Christians on Pilgrimage to Monastery
The Terrorist Attack in Manchester and Talking to our Youth
20 Ideas for Dating Your Wife
Consider Each Other How to Stir Up Love
"The aim of our lives is not just loving and doing good deeds, but helping to stir up others to love and to good deeds."
Five Benefits of Corporate Worship
"Our own awe is accentuated and our own joy doubled when we worship Jesus together."
How to Win the War for Your Mind
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
5 Ways Teenagers Often Waste Their Time
6 Ways to Avoid Delayed Adulthood
"Maturity will always be in high demand... so how can the next generation move toward maturity?"
As Long As You Both Shall Live
A beautiful story of true love.
Why Stay At Home Moms Don't Need to be Embarrassed
Exhausted Mom, Lift Your Eyes
"How we work says something about Whom we serve."
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/18/17
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Photo Credit: Slideshop |
The Story of Iran's Church in Two Sentences
"Persecution threatened to wipe out Iran's tiny church. Instead, by God's mighty hand, His church is growing rapidly. Praise Him!
The Gospel in a Hostile Culture
Dr. Mark Bailey, President of DTS and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, shares how the good news of the gospel is the hope for believers.
5 Principles for Disciplining Your Children
Parenting is Discipleship
"You shall teach them (these words) diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." (Deut. 6:7)
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/17/17
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Photo Credit: Lightstock |
Nine Parenting Lessons From the School of Hard Knocks
I'm taking notes...
Michael Easley: How I Preach
An interview of a pastor that I respect and admire very much!
Learning For Life
Traits of a teachable person.
10 Things You Should Know About the Theology of Martin Luther
You've probably heard about him, but always wondered what Luther really believed. This is a helpful overview of his theology.
Is Body Image My Idol?
"Show that Christ is more valuable than your looks or your health or your reputation as disciplined."
The Most Satisfying Single Years
A pastoral encouragement for singles to not wait for marriage to find true joy.
Don't Hide Those Grey Hairs
"Let's help younger women look beyond what is seen and temporary to what is truly beautiful and eternal."
If Love is God, Love Will Fail
Doctrine Is Precious in the Storm
"Far from impractical, doctrine is immensely practical and essential."
Monday, May 15, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/15/17
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Photo Credit: Slideshop |
Why Religious Liberty Should Be a Foreign Policy Priority
"A world where everyone can worship freely is a safer world for everyone."
Andy Crouch On How To Become a Tech-Wise Family
A podcast interview of Andy Crouch. His book Tech-Wise Family is an excellent guide on how to navigate the challenges of technology in a wise and courageous manner.
Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female - and Childbearing
"The invisibility of the unborn is one of the reasons why abortion is so thinkable in our society."
The Christian and Hospitality: Putting the Gospel On Display
"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." (1 Peter 4:9)
Every Good Church is Messy
"The reason we love the church... is because it's there that we see God's amazing grace conquering our sins and transforming us to look like his Son. When the world sees that, even the mess of the church can make Jesus look great."
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Daily Reads - 3/28/17
Photo Credit: Proclaim |
Peter's Message to Politically Panicked Christians
"The Gospel... tells us that the political sphere is just one area in which change can take place."
10 Lessons on Parenting Little Ones
You Can't Win the Neighbor You Fear
"Jesus told us the world would hate us. But what if the world doesn't even know us apart from what they see on TV? Is it possible, then, that our neighbors hate us because they don't actually know us personally? Is so, why not?"
China Admits to the Greatest Slaughter in Human History
A largely untold story in our history books.
The Intellectual in Canada Who Unmasked Political Idolatry in America
The Jihadi Who Turned to Jesus
While I don't agree with the author's tone in some places, this is a cool story. And props to NY Times for writing about this!
Monday, March 20, 2017
Daily Reads - 3/20/17
"Work doesn't exist as a lurking competitor to loving God and our neighbor. Instead it provides a means of loving God and our neighbor."
Jeanne Hendricks: God's Grace Before, Beside, and After "Prof" Hendricks
A powerful testimony of God's grace by Jeanne Hendricks, the widow of Dr. Howard Hendricks.
To Be Looked Through, Not Looked At
In his book on poetry, C.S. Lewis "wanted the poet to disappear behind his words, behind his medium and to draw attention not to himself but to what was so important to him... this truth is profound and applicable far beyond poetry."
Why I Love the Psalms
We Can't Microwave People Into Maturity
It takes time. It takes patience. It takes persistence. It takes prayer.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Daily Reads - 3/11/17
No Spin About Sin - An important reminder to think biblically about sin.
How to Preach with Biblical Fullness - Humility allows God to speak through His Word.
Why We're Still Reading 'My Utmost for His Highest' 80 Years Later
Porn-Free Church: Sex, God, and the Gospel - A biblical approach to sex is good news for married people. A biblical approach to sex is also good news for single people.
An Evangelical Pastor on Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated - An interview with Tim Keller
Friday, February 3, 2017
Daily Reads - 2/3/17
Of Pastors and Politics
"Stop trying to change the world one tweet at a time. Let's make sure we know our Bibles and know our people a thousand times better than we know the ins and outs of the Trump administration."
How I Gleaned Hope from the Darkest Psalm
The Persecuted Christian
Why All Christians Can (and should) Share the Gospel
The Treasure at Your Fingertips: Jonathan Edwards' Example of Loving the Word of God and the God of the Word
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Daily Reads - 2/2/17
Coaching to Make Great Men, Not Just Great Players
An interview of Tom Abernethy, an assistant basketball coach for the University of Mississippi. So encouraging to know that there are Christian men in these positions.
Campus Ministries Race to Keep Up With Record Number of International Students
"The top three places [sending students to America] are all within the 10-40 window."
4 Reasons to Soak Yourself in the Psalms
How to Play and Watch Sports as a Christian
5 Ways to Engage with News Media
What Pastors Need to Know About Religious Liberty for the Years Ahead
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/31/17
But I Do, Dad
Wow, this was an emotional read! I really appreciate this poem. It reminds me to value the moments that I still get to enjoy with my dad. It also provides me with perspective as I look forward to being a dad myself!
7 Questions to Ask Before Posting About Politics on Social Media
7 Ways to Do Political Punditry Wrong
Fellow Christians, lets be shrewd, wise, and gracious in how we address issues and truth. The world IS watching!
Choose Courage Over Outrage
"We don't admire courage anymore; at least not real courage. In our culture, the quiet, settled resolve to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming opposition has been drowned in a sea of manufactured outrage. Outrage should not be confused with courage, even though it often tries to dress in courage's clothing."
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/24/17
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Photo Credit: Pixabay |
5 Cheap But Meaningful Ways to Make the Most Out of Date Night
What a privilege to date my wife! There are some good reminders and suggestions in this article.
Why and How My Wife and I Give to the Church
Giving can be a difficult and sensitive topic for pastors and the church to talk about. In this article Chuck Lawless demonstrates a healthy perspective on giving to the local church.
Solitary Ruminations on Trump's Inaugural
One of my college professors offers some thoughts on President Trump's inaugural.
The Value of Christian Protest
"Prayer is an under-estimated resource for affection social change. Therefore, prayer is a powerful form of protest for Christians..."
Planned Parenthood's Most Misleading Statistic
Biblical Success
I need this reminder regularly.
Words Matter: Recovering Godly Speech in a Culture of Profanity
"God created our mouths to be fountains of blessing, not gutters of cursing. He exhorts us to build up others with our words, 'giving grace to those who hear' (Eph. 4:29). How can we do this in a culture inundated with profanity and unwholesome speech?"
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/19/17
Pray For Your Church Leaders
Yes please!
Divine Words for Desperate Parents
"To raise a child toward godliness, we need much more than the good advice parenting experts have to offer. We need what only the Scriptures have to offer."
The Danger of Entertaining Lies
Somehow, Satan has found a way to often engage my mind in what he has to say. To listen to his lies is to play with fire. I am reminded of how Jesus responded to Satan's temptations: "It is written..."
Breaking Down the Dividing Wall of Hostility: The Unifying Impact of the Gospel Across Cultures
God is doing amazing things in India and around the world!
When the Beloved of God Are Hated by the World
How do we endure hatred and persecution of the world?
Love & Irritability
Love... is not easily provoked (1 Cor. 13:4)
Monday, January 16, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/16/17
How Martin Luther King, Jr Overcame 'Christian' White Supremacy
Written by Russell Moore, this article is full of conviction on MLK Day.
4 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Church
I'm afraid that some people don't consider these questions as intently as they ought. I might add another one that appropriately questions my own motives: "Will I serve others at this church?"
12 Reasons I Love My "Small" Church
I love to see this perspective in God's people: "I am so thankful to the Lord for my (church)."
A Pastor's Letter To His Young Self: Why Community Isn't Enough
A good reminder that a friendship community is not the same as a church community.
More than Hashtags: Fight for Human Dignity
Even as we hear more and more news of murder, war, genocide, and refugees camps, here are some simple steps to get you thinking about what you can do.
Reading King's Letter From Birmingham Jail
Justin Taylor provides some good background and commentary on a highly influential letter written by Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Prayer for MLK Day
The pastoral prayer that Kevin DeYoung gave yesterday at University Reformed Church.
Being Sensitive in Sharing Scripture with the Suffering
When is it appropriate to use Romans 8:28 when trying to comfort someone going through a difficult time?
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/12/17
How to Prioritize Family Prayer as a Leader
Amen. "One of the most obvious signs of the primacy of God in the Christian home is prayer."
How to Get the Strength You Need to Be a Mom
Hopefully this is an encouragement to all you moms out there!
How Do I Use My Dinner Table for Evangelism?
This is something good to think about: how can I use my home to reach out and welcome others in, and to give them a safe place to hear the Gospel and see the grace of God lived out?
6 Ways to Stir Your Affections for Weekly Preaching
Encouraging for me today.
What Does the World's Oldest Piano Sound Like?
I think that the piano is a wonderful instrument. This video is fun!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/10/17
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This Year, The Psalms - Psalm 1
A short devotional on Psalm 1.
Why Kids Ask Why (And How to Respond Lovingly)
It is important that we discern the motive behind a child's "why." Sometimes, we can miss a golden opportunity to help shape our child's worldview and encourage them towards a biblical perspective.
Five Ways to Flourish in Journaling
Journaling is a valuable tool that when done right, can be a real encouragement to you and to others.
Six Questions to Diagnose Subtle Gossip
Ahh, the subtle but hurtful sin of gossip. This is a helpful reminder to be careful with our words.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/9/17
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Paul's Prayer for the Church
A short meditation on Ephesians 3:14-21.
Seven Steps to Strengthen Prayer
Prayer is the chief instrument that God has given to us to do battle with the enemy. Let's discipline ourselves in this vital area of spiritual growth.
The Humility of Love
The example of Christ is so counter to our egotistical, narcissistic culture... and counter to our own proud hearts. "Scripture is clear: Pride and self-centeredness are hostile to true, Christlike godliness. Jesus repeatedly and emphatically condemned pride. Both His life and His teaching constantly exalted the virtue of humility. Nowhere is that more clear than in John 13."
What's Wrong With Producing a "Worship Experience"?
Expert from an excellent interview about the problem with viewing a church service as an "experience" rather than a time to worship God.
Wisdom for Reading the Proverbs
Sometimes it can be difficult to read and understand the Proverbs. This article provides some reminders for how we ought to approach this beautiful book of wisdom.
The Best Kind of Self-Care is Care for Others
True joy comes in serving others. And I love this post was written by a missionary.
What We Need to Learn From the Early Church
Good thoughts from Tim Keller.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
This Day in... 1998
January 8th always brings back memories for me. It was the day, nineteen years ago, that my family waved goodbye to the around 15 friends who went to the airport with us, and boarded a plane headed for Cairo, Egypt. It would be a huge culture shock for me and my family, but I can honestly say that I am thankful for those years of growing up in Egypt.
- There's something about moving to a new place, with a new culture, and without any kind of familiarity that makes me find my security and foundation in the One who knows me, knows all things, and who is with me all the time. A testimony of my time in Egypt would not be complete without a testimony of God's love and care for me in those years. He met the needs of my family and my personal needs too. In fact, He gave me far more than I ever deserved. I can remember trying to talk my mom into buying us computer games before we moved to Egypt because I thought that we wouldn't have anything else to do once we moved there. The picture that I had in my mind was that Egypt was completely covered in sand and dirty streets and a bunch of concrete. And for a nine-year old boy who loved to play sports, this was a terrifying thought. But when I think of how God provided my family with a wonderful place to live, friends, a church, nearby fields and gardens, sports leagues to play in, the opportunity to take piano lessons, a pool to swim in, and opportunities for travel, desert camping, and beach trips to the Red Sea, I am overwhelmed with gratitude, good memories, and all the reason in the world to trust that God will always take care of me.
- Moving to a new place and experiencing a new culture also drew me closer to my family. Even though we all made friends and had experiences outside the home, my parents and siblings became my best friends. And I am so thankful for this! My two brothers and sister (and eventually, second sister!) became my chief "play-partners" and we got to know each other really well. Even in high school, when I was working hard on baseball and preparing to go to college, my brothers were the ones who pushed me and worked out with me. And I am thankful for the close relationship that I was able to develop with my mom and dad as well. I have such good memories of times spent with them: going to the corner market or "Road 9" with my mom, or going to downtown or playing baseball with my dad. In addition, I loved the times that our family did ministry together. Whether it was going to a training with my dad or having people in our home, doing ministry together as a family is one of the most effective ways to bond as a family and realize that we are a team. God definitely used our "Egypt years" to grow us closer together as a family, and I am grateful.
- God also used my time in Egypt to provide me with a full vision of ministry. One of the difficult things about living in a place like Cairo is that there is a lot poverty and suffering on full display. Right out in the open. In addition, Egypt is a heavily Islamic country, so many of my daily interactions were with Muslims. To grow up with so much suffering and unbelief provided me with the opportunity to develop a worldview that recognized the need for the Gospel to be preached, taught, explained, and lived out. Often I talk with other Americans who talk about being "sheltered" during their childhood, and I thank God for my time in Egypt. It is really difficult to be "sheltered" in that kind of an environment. It doesn't make me a better person, for just because I grew up in Egypt doesn't mean I learned every lesson I should have learned. But I thank God for where He placed me during my childhood and the opportunities for ministry that He gave to me and my family.
There are many more things I could write about our time in Egypt, but for now I will just say that I have wonderful memories of my time there, and January 8th is a day that those memories are most brought to mind.
Daily Reads - 1/8/17
Did 2016 Expose America's (and the Church's) Fame Addiction?
An on-point article with a message that we Christians in America need to hear: let's not feed our culture's obsession with fame and popularity.
I really benefited from reading this article on Jonathan Edwards' view of how God works in my life through my reading, memorization, and meditation upon His Word.
A very pastoral reflection from Dr. Michael Easley.
A little satirical humor from Babylon Bee.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/7/17
5 Takeaways From Pew Research Center's 2016 Social Media Update
Facebook continues to be the main social media platform...
Christians the Most Persecuted Group in World for Second Straight Year: Study
We should continue to be in prayer for our brothers and sisters who endure persecution for the sake of the Gospel.
4 Ministry Lessons I Learned From a Small Town Saint
Often the greatest ministry legacy is left by those who quietly go about loving and serving God and people. They may not be in the "lime-light," but their reward in heaven is great.
National Geographic's "Gender Revolution": Bad Argument and Biased Theology
In it's January 2017 issue, National Geographic ran an article that explored what it called the "Gender Revolution." One article in particular, "Rethinking Gender" evidenced a thinking that is not only unbiblical, but also counter to natural law.
Stay Strong to Serve
A good reminder of a more proper motivation to exercise and stay healthy.
7 Writing Tips From Charles Spurgeon
Possibilities in Spare Moments
Imagine how much we could accomplish if we made better use of our spare and passive moments.
Facebook continues to be the main social media platform...
Christians the Most Persecuted Group in World for Second Straight Year: Study
We should continue to be in prayer for our brothers and sisters who endure persecution for the sake of the Gospel.
4 Ministry Lessons I Learned From a Small Town Saint
Often the greatest ministry legacy is left by those who quietly go about loving and serving God and people. They may not be in the "lime-light," but their reward in heaven is great.
National Geographic's "Gender Revolution": Bad Argument and Biased Theology
In it's January 2017 issue, National Geographic ran an article that explored what it called the "Gender Revolution." One article in particular, "Rethinking Gender" evidenced a thinking that is not only unbiblical, but also counter to natural law.
Stay Strong to Serve
A good reminder of a more proper motivation to exercise and stay healthy.
7 Writing Tips From Charles Spurgeon
Possibilities in Spare Moments
Imagine how much we could accomplish if we made better use of our spare and passive moments.
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Photo credit: Lightstock |
Friday, January 6, 2017
Daily Reads - 1.6.17
8 Tips for Taking Good Sermon Notes
Notetaking can sometimes really help me listen carefully and remember better what a pastor or speaker says. We should all learn to be better listeners.
I'm Better Than You
It is so easy for me to fall into the trap of this mindset of superiority. Not only is it not true... it unbiblical. Reminds me of the Spurgeon quote: "If any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse than he thinks you to be." "Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'" (1 Peter 5:5)
Essential Truths for Your Everyday Work
Following Christ gives significance, meaning, and purpose even in the every day tasks of our lives.
Notetaking can sometimes really help me listen carefully and remember better what a pastor or speaker says. We should all learn to be better listeners.
I'm Better Than You
It is so easy for me to fall into the trap of this mindset of superiority. Not only is it not true... it unbiblical. Reminds me of the Spurgeon quote: "If any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse than he thinks you to be." "Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'" (1 Peter 5:5)
Essential Truths for Your Everyday Work
Following Christ gives significance, meaning, and purpose even in the every day tasks of our lives.
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Photo credit: Lightstock |
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Daily Reads - 1/5/17
5 Reasons to Eat Together As a Family
Consistently eating together as a family created a special bond for us growing up, and it is something that my wife and I desire to do well when we have kids. In this article, Tim Challies does a good job articulating several reasons to make the effort.
Biblical Archaeology's Top 10 Discoveries of 2016
Including the unsealing of the Tomb of Christ!
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife
Tim Challies did a series a few years back on "18 Things." There are a couple more below...
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Husband
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids
Consistently eating together as a family created a special bond for us growing up, and it is something that my wife and I desire to do well when we have kids. In this article, Tim Challies does a good job articulating several reasons to make the effort.
Biblical Archaeology's Top 10 Discoveries of 2016
Including the unsealing of the Tomb of Christ!
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife
Tim Challies did a series a few years back on "18 Things." There are a couple more below...
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Husband
18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids
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