Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/31/17
Why We Need the Psalms of Lament
"There is always something painful in our lives. Whether relational, or physical, or emotional - there's always pain in our lives."
Why 2016 Headlines Had Little Impact on Voters
"One of the most notable aspects of the 2016 presidential election was the central role of the media, a trend that has continued in the controversies of the current administration... Yet, as Barna's election survey revealed - and in spite of increased public focus on political journalism - these reports seem to have had little impact on voters' decisions in the election."
4 Cultural Factors That Contribute to our Epidemic of Burnout
The Gain of Serving God
"We serve Him with gladness because we do not bear the burden of meeting His needs. Rather we rejoice in a service where He meets our needs. Serving God always means receiving grace from God."
Is Christianity Good for the World?
"Gospel preaching missionaries with a passion for rescuing people from eternal suffering have changed the world."
Seattle Reboot: Life After Mars Hill
A nice summary of what happened in Seattle after the closure of Mars Hill Church.
Well-Planned, Hard, Sweat-Inducing Prayer and Work
"Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan." (John Bunyan)
4 Practical Threats to the Church Today
Monday, May 29, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/29/17
Don't Pursue Feelings. Pursue Christ
"The key is not to pursue feelings themselves but to pursue the Lord Jesus Christ by looking to Him, knowing His ways, pondering His promises, and obeying His commands."
In a Largely Godless World, It's Hard to Know What to Say When Tragedy Strikes
The article, written by a non-believer, demonstrates the darkness of not knowing Jesus Christ.
Treating Young Women As Sisters In Absolute Purity
"Pastors must be exemplary in this regard."
Turn My Eyes From Worthless Things
"When we reach the end of our days, our life experience will equal what we have paid attention to, whether by choice or default."
Six Words to Say Through Tears
I. can. trust. God. with. this.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/27/17
Islamic Extremists in Egypt Slaughter Coptic Christians on Pilgrimage to Monastery
The Terrorist Attack in Manchester and Talking to our Youth
20 Ideas for Dating Your Wife
Consider Each Other How to Stir Up Love
"The aim of our lives is not just loving and doing good deeds, but helping to stir up others to love and to good deeds."
Five Benefits of Corporate Worship
"Our own awe is accentuated and our own joy doubled when we worship Jesus together."
How to Win the War for Your Mind
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
5 Ways Teenagers Often Waste Their Time
6 Ways to Avoid Delayed Adulthood
"Maturity will always be in high demand... so how can the next generation move toward maturity?"
As Long As You Both Shall Live
A beautiful story of true love.
Why Stay At Home Moms Don't Need to be Embarrassed
Exhausted Mom, Lift Your Eyes
"How we work says something about Whom we serve."
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/18/17
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Photo Credit: Slideshop |
The Story of Iran's Church in Two Sentences
"Persecution threatened to wipe out Iran's tiny church. Instead, by God's mighty hand, His church is growing rapidly. Praise Him!
The Gospel in a Hostile Culture
Dr. Mark Bailey, President of DTS and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, shares how the good news of the gospel is the hope for believers.
5 Principles for Disciplining Your Children
Parenting is Discipleship
"You shall teach them (these words) diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." (Deut. 6:7)
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/17/17
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Photo Credit: Lightstock |
Nine Parenting Lessons From the School of Hard Knocks
I'm taking notes...
Michael Easley: How I Preach
An interview of a pastor that I respect and admire very much!
Learning For Life
Traits of a teachable person.
10 Things You Should Know About the Theology of Martin Luther
You've probably heard about him, but always wondered what Luther really believed. This is a helpful overview of his theology.
Is Body Image My Idol?
"Show that Christ is more valuable than your looks or your health or your reputation as disciplined."
The Most Satisfying Single Years
A pastoral encouragement for singles to not wait for marriage to find true joy.
Don't Hide Those Grey Hairs
"Let's help younger women look beyond what is seen and temporary to what is truly beautiful and eternal."
If Love is God, Love Will Fail
Doctrine Is Precious in the Storm
"Far from impractical, doctrine is immensely practical and essential."
Monday, May 15, 2017
Daily Reads - 5/15/17
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Photo Credit: Slideshop |
Why Religious Liberty Should Be a Foreign Policy Priority
"A world where everyone can worship freely is a safer world for everyone."
Andy Crouch On How To Become a Tech-Wise Family
A podcast interview of Andy Crouch. His book Tech-Wise Family is an excellent guide on how to navigate the challenges of technology in a wise and courageous manner.
Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female - and Childbearing
"The invisibility of the unborn is one of the reasons why abortion is so thinkable in our society."
The Christian and Hospitality: Putting the Gospel On Display
"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." (1 Peter 4:9)
Every Good Church is Messy
"The reason we love the church... is because it's there that we see God's amazing grace conquering our sins and transforming us to look like his Son. When the world sees that, even the mess of the church can make Jesus look great."
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