Many of us spend a substantial amount of time online on social media sites. There is much potential for us to do good with that we post for all to see, but there is also much potential to do harm. As a Christian, I want to please God even in my social media posts, and be careful to do good rather than harm. While the Bible doesn't talk specifically about Facebook, or even about the internet, it does have something to say about how we use our words and even our motives in our communication with others.
12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting Something Online by Mark Dever
Monday, August 29, 2016
You Could've Been Something
As you go about your day, have you ever thought: "I could've been something"? There is the thought, the question, that persists in all of our minds as we work through the mundane stuff of life: "I could've been someone special... a world changer! But now, who am I?"
You Could've Been Something by Andrea Burke
You Could've Been Something by Andrea Burke
Friday, August 26, 2016
Satan's Desire for Mothers
God created each woman for a purpose. And for those He has called to be a mother, God desires for them to be "grounded in the Gospel and content in their role." Satan on the other hand wants these women to be discontent and seek their fulfillment outside of God's plan.
Scripture calls mothers to be content, firmly grounded in the conviction that their identity is found, not in being a mother, but in being "beloved of God in the Gospel."
Satan's Desire for Mothers by Julian Freeman
Scripture calls mothers to be content, firmly grounded in the conviction that their identity is found, not in being a mother, but in being "beloved of God in the Gospel."
Satan's Desire for Mothers by Julian Freeman
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Please Pray for Your Pastor
Ever wondered how you can pray specifically for your pastor's preaching? Julian Freeman offers some practical suggestions.
Please Pray for Your Pastor by Julian Freeman
We Study By Faith
This article by Julian Freeman was encouraging to me today. Just yesterday I wrestled with the fact that even though I had spent the entire day at the office and was mentally exhausted, I had virtually nothing tangible to show for it.
"At the end of a day like today, I have joy and peace, despite producing nothing tangible, because my labor was in faith that God will work through what I've done."
We Study By Faith by Julian Freeman
"At the end of a day like today, I have joy and peace, despite producing nothing tangible, because my labor was in faith that God will work through what I've done."
We Study By Faith by Julian Freeman
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
One Very Good Reason to Read Your Bible
Tim Challies makes a good point about one of the many benefits to reading our Bible on a regular basis: "Maybe we see devotions as something we do first for ourselves... But the benefit of personal devotions goes far beyond self."
One Very Good Reason to Read Your Bible
One Very Good Reason to Read Your Bible
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
9 Parenting Truths From John Piper
Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
9 Parenting Truths From John Piper
9 Parenting Truths From John Piper
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Five Words of Advice for Young Seminarians
Jared C. Wilson has written a post of his advice for a first-time seminary student. These five points are actually good advice for any Christian who desires to be a learner!
5 Words of Advice for Young Seminarians
5 Words of Advice for Young Seminarians
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Book Review: Dangerous Calling

I really appreciate Tripp's ministry as the executive director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas. He obviously has a heart for taking care of pastors, and this really showed in the pages of this book. One of the most helpful aspects of Dangerous Calling was Tripp's openness and willingness to share his own struggles as a pastor, especially in regards to his relationship with his wife. These struggles are in part what motivated him to begin his ministry to pastors. His openness about these things challenged me to consider and evaluate some of my own heart attitudes, both in my marriage and in my calling as a pastor. Am I proud? Do I fail to listen? Am I quicker to react in anger than to listen in love? These are all questions that I had to ask myself and answer honestly. It was a reminder that being a pastor does not mean that I have "arrived" spiritually, but I need to continue to grow spiritually.
And that brings me to the second aspect of Dangerous Calling that I appreciated: Tripp's emphasis on the Gospel. The Gospel is irrelevant for no one, including a pastor. For those of us who have been saved a while it is easy to forget about the Gospel and move on to more "meaty" topics in Christianity. But it is the power of the Gospel that saved us (2 Tim. 1:8-9), and it is the reality of the Gospel that has called us and motivates us in ministry. Let's not grow weary of the truth that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was then raised from the dead (1 Cor. 15)! As a pastor, I must not only never fail to continue preaching the Gospel to others, but also to myself. To be daily reminded of the Gospel is to be daily reminded that I am dependent upon God, that I am a sinner, that it is by God's grace through faith that I am saved, and that it is by faith that I must follow Christ now that I am saved.
One of the horrible side affects of failing to regularly remind myself of the Gospel is that I will lose my "sense of awe": "What is the danger? It is that familiarity with the things of God will cause you to lose your awe. You've spent so much time in Scripture that its grand redemptive narrative, with its expansive wisdom, doesn't excite you anymore. You've spent so much time exegeting the atonement that you can stand at the foot of the cross with little weeping and scant rejoicing... It's all become so regular and normal that it fails to move you anymore; in fact, there are sad moments when the wonder of grace can barely get your attention in the midst of your busy ministry schedule." (pg. 114-115) I have begun to pray and ask God to help me keep my sense of awe of His beauty, majesty, and greatness. And one practical application that I began as a result of reading Dangerous Calling is to begin memorizing Psalm 145. What a beautiful psalm of God's greatness!
I was disappointed by certain elements of this book. For example, it struck me as a highly repetitive book: after the first several chapters, it seemed like Tripp was just repeating the same theme over and over again. He referenced the Gospel several times without actually defining or explaining it, which gave the book a somewhat shallow feel. And there was very little Scripture about what God desires in a pastor of His church. Overall, I would recommend Dangerous Calling to pastors and even seminary students who are considering the pastorate as it encouraged me and served as a good reminder of what I have written about above. But I do believe there are better books on pastoral ministry.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Seminary, gives four compelling reasons to consistently pray for your pastor. As a pastor I can say that it truly blesses both Hannah and me when someone tells us that they are praying for us.
Four Reasons to Pray for your Pastor Daily
Four Reasons to Pray for your Pastor Daily
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